Justin Bieber showed off his new red iPhone to the fans on Friday. Replacing his old phone that had hours of social media use and used calling people like his girlfriend Selena Gomez, the fans got a glimpse of the machine he uses to communicate with them online. After only four hours of posting online, the photo was viewed over 250,000 times as fans wanted the first look of the new machine. The fact he was shirtless when he showed off the new phone only added a sexy element to the photograph.
The photo, first posted on Twitter, had the fans wanting to know if they could get his phone number too. While they were joking, no doubt the first person he called after picking up the iPhone was his girlfriend, Selena Gomez.
What is very interesting is that Justin Bieber didn't get a purple face for his iPhone as he has always told his fans that purple was his favorite color. Going so far to order purple carpet at his movie première, the entertainer seemed obsessed with the color Red just doesn't seem to fit the image of the youngster who says Never Say Never.
Typically, if a friend gets an iPhone, it isn't a big deal, but with the Bieber fans, the first look is critical. Plus as we all know, it is the only way Justin Bieber communicates with Selena Gomez as he goes on tour in South America.
Source: Celebs.gather.com
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