Jagapathi Babu plays a Telangana revolutionary named Bandagi Gopanna in Jai Bolo Telangana. It's the most memorable character in Telugu cinema and I felt only Jagapathi Babu could do justice to it. When I narrated the story to him, he was impressed and immediately agreed to do the movie. He proved that artistes have no caste, region or religion. Bandagi is a Muslim name and Gopanna a Hindu name. Separate Telangana is the long-felt dream of four crore people following different religions and the character reflects that," says director N. Shankar, whose latest film Jai Bolo Telangana releases Friday.
"Jai Bolo Telangana reflects the current political scenario in the State. The Garadi Chestundru number written by KCR has become quite a rage. KCR penned a few songs as part of the Dhoom Dhaam campaigns. When I listened to those songs, the thought of having him write a song for the film came to my mind," Shankar adds.
"Jai Bolo Telangana reflects the current political scenario in the State. The Garadi Chestundru number written by KCR has become quite a rage. KCR penned a few songs as part of the Dhoom Dhaam campaigns. When I listened to those songs, the thought of having him write a song for the film came to my mind," Shankar adds.
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